Friday, December 26, 2008


It is hard for me to believe that just a short time ago, earlier this quickly-ending year, that I was watching Obama - President Elect speak at the Memorial Coliseum. I know that there is much uncertainty to what will happen in the next year to come, but I can say that the energy that was at his rally was amazing. I hope that as people accept PE Obama, they would realize what a huge leap this is for our country and what it means to the rest of the world.

I believe that the most important part of life is our relationships with others, it is also the hardest part of life. Keeping up with others, being respectful, creating time, and setting boundaries. I know that our new President will do much for our tarnished image and bring us back to caring about others in the world, realizing that what is most important is that we are citizens of a global community and extend our hands to others as well as receiving.

What has been so wrong with our previous administrations (and what has depressed me more than anything) is that in the face of crisis we have either turned a blind eye or taken advantage of events for our own betterment, which has rightly so created our failures and struggles.

There is so much more that America has to do and learn...this, to me, is an exciting time to be a young American. I hope that we can do what others think of as impossible; change racial stereotypes, be more unified, solve energy crises, connect to our brothers and sisters in other countries (not as a superior, but as a loving equal), and many more.

PE Obama and America has a lot ahead of us. Yes We Can!

This was the video played at the rally, every time I watch it I am moved to tears. Even if things do not go as planned in this next term, I know that there is nothing more important than hope. If we have hope as a nation we will not be defeated. I have never been prouder to be an American and I am amazed at the American people and have once again found hope in our political system. It is not perfect, but "nothing can defeat the voices of millions calling for change."

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Cozy Cowl and Sassy Sewing...

If you pray for anything...pray that I would be released from the alliteration demon.

During these awesome five days of being trapped with my hubbs...I had enough time to finish some crafts...fancy that.

Here's The Cowl :



If you knit, then you know that this is the simplest of simple knits. I did not follow a pattern, but just knit in the round using k1, p1... which I always get off count and end up with some funky pattern, which then I say is cool because it adds reads as lazy. I did that stitch for a bit then kept knitting in the round for about 10 in. or so...however long is good. I then embellished with a cute button from Jo-Ann's and called it a night. It is super warm and I think super stylish....the cowl will be resurrected...get on the wagon.

Sassy Needlepoint :



Then, as earlier posted I made Shawn a needlepoint to go into our wedding frame. It included the verse from our wedding from Song of Songs 8: 6-7. I love the passion and sincerity in this verse and wanted a constant reminder of it to bless our home. I used a simple stitch and embellished with a fabric heart. It is kind of messy, but I am sticking to the character argument.

I say that Christmas should be about cozylove, go spread some.

I leave you with some pictures I took from our adventures in the snow. I love my husband and his handsomness...Thank God for a mostly enjoyable and highly blessed five months as husband and wife.


Merry Christmas.


Since I have quit my gym membership at 24 hour fitness....some of you might have sensed I have become a tad bit "anti-gym". This is not really the case, I love the gym for the classes, pool, sauna, and television (seeing as we have none...which is good, but sad at the same time).

Something I have come to realize is that there are many other options. For me working a whole day in an office makes me want to do nothing but get outside and move my body for a little bit. Also the saving of the money does not hurt either.

If you find yourself in the same place as me I found some good tips for ditching the gym...

PS...found this at I dont have a five year old...although, you can never really tell with me.

Exercise ideas:

  • Walk as much as you can. Walk to work and back and up and down stairs instead of using lifts. Get a pedometer to see how much you can do and a cheap MP3 player/walkman to keep you entertained!
  • Dance like a maniac or jog around your apartment for 10 minutes a day before you shower.
  • Use your bottom stair, a low coffee table, a strong box or something similar to do step-aerobics while you watch T.V.
  • Look for “vintage” exercise videos in thrift stores. You’ll burn calories and get a laugh at the 80’s workout gear!
  • Use cans of food as hand weights.
  • Borrow a bike and go exploring.
  • Use your furniture as equipment - do bench dips with a chair, press ups against the wall, do leg-lifts on your bed, hook your feet under the sofa to do sit-ups…
  • Fidgeters burn more calories than those that don’t! Keep your hands busy with knitting, doodling or just chuck a little ball from hand to hand.
  • Be lively in general. Stand up, potter about, run around and have fun! Watch little kids for inspiration - my five year old is always running around, jumping on furniture, weaving in and out of lamp posts…
  • Keep your home clean and tidy - half an hour a day of cleaning, putting things away, vacuuming, making beds etc is half hour not sitting on your arse!
  • Spend 10 minutes a day doing toning exercises. If you really do it regularly it builds up muscle that will “eat” calories for you and improves your body shape.
  • Get a mini trampoline for your apartment and bounce to your hearts content. They can be really cheap, shop around or see if anyone has one to get rid of.

Food ideas:

  • If you have big home cooked meals in the evening, have half of what you usually have and eat the rest the next evening.
  • Have fruit and yoghurt for breakfast
  • Take colourful salads to work for lunch.
  • Cut out bread and potatoes.
  • Have one day a week where you just eat fruit and veg.
  • Or eat a completely healthy diet Monday to Friday and eat whatever at the weekends.
  • Always have a bottle of water with you at your desk or in your bag or next to your armchair! Water is sooo good for you and fills your belly up leaving less room for doughnuts!
  • Plan your meals for the week, including healthier-than-usual treats and make sure you have everything you need - that way you will be less likely to cheat.
  • Make a little tick chart to encourage yourself to eat 5 fruit or veg portions a day.
  • Keep a container filled with sticks of carrot, celery, peppers, along with any other vegetable you like raw, like mushrooms, green beans and tomatoes. Eat them dipped in Humous whenever you get peckish for a guilt-free snack session!
  • Buy your fruit and veg at markets as they’re much cheaper than stores. Sometimes stores are good for last-day-of-sale bargains though.
  • If your veg is on it’s last legs use it to make soups, stews or casseroles or stick it all in a roasting tin with some herbs and spices and drizzle with olive oil. Roast in the oven for about an hour and they come out really yummy!
workout cat Pictures, Images and Photos

Let's Get Physical...physical...

Zach Galifianakis is Funnier Than ME.

zach galifianakis Pictures, Images and Photos

I feel that today is the day that I do a movie review. I have been loving netflix like no other and enjoying the on-demand viewing it gives me 24-7. I watched Zach Galifianakis (gal-if-inockis...he definitely uses that in jokes...) Live at the Purple Onion. I have seen him in some bit roles (Out Cold and What Happens in Vegas) as a quirky odd dude. I have got to say that his stand up is easily in my top ten if not nearing the number one spot.

I would highly recommend watching his stand up...he is hilarious. I would suggest them to the perverted, dirty mouthed, artsy, sophisticated type. He is bizarre and really his humor seems less premeditated than just a natural act. The bizarre seems to be a big part of his genius. It is hard to tell if he is being serious sometimes or if it is all a joke on the world. Either way, its funny and there are plenty of I-Can't-Breathe laughs in it for everybody.

Happy Viewing


Sunday, December 21, 2008

Some things to consider...

Snow and Ice outside. Knitting, husband, and dogs inside. As the world moves more slowly I have been able to sit back and relax, enjoying my still new husband of five months and two days.

We were able to get out a couple of times yesterday only to be chilled to the bone and covered in snow. I have spent much time working on holiday knitting and needlework. How great it is it to have hobbies like these. I have also been gleaning inspiration and warm fuzzies from my fellow bloggers.

I was able to finish Shawn's needlepoint to go in our "wedding frame". The verse is from Song of Songs 8:6-7

6 Place me like a seal over your heart,
like a seal on your arm;
for love is as strong as death,
its jealousy [a] unyielding as the grave. [b]
It burns like blazing fire,
like a mighty flame. [c]

7 Many waters cannot quench love;
rivers cannot wash it away.
If one were to give
all the wealth of his house for love,
it [d] would be utterly scorned.

I have also been working on washcloths as a wedding gift for next weekend. I got a few of homemade goods for my wedding and they have been more treasured than any bought item I received, although those were awesome too.

I read something that I found inspiring and I think might end up as a needlepoint project:

To live content with small means;
to seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion;
to be worthy, not respectable, and wealthy, not rich;
to study hard, think quietly, talk gently, act frankly;
to listen to stars and birds, to babes and sages, with open heart;
to bear all cheerfully, do all bravely, await occasions, hurry never.
In a word, to let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious, grow up through the common.
This is to be my symphony.

"My Symphony" by William Henry Channing

Something we could all think about. During this season of holiday I am trying to be mindful of the importance of slowness and meditation. Something that can be hard when someone is shoving a cart into your bum at the market or someone almost hits you with their car because it is "their turn".

I have come to realize that I would like my home to be quaint but full of homemade touches that give it warmth. Seeing as money is not in abundance, this is very easy to accomplish, so this season I am thankful for that.

This was all the consequence of a quiet home and nowhere to go.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Cozy Home Crafting

As some may know (mainly just my husband and Katie Lou) I have been on a crafting strike. All it took was some inspiring blogs (thank you Anna Maria Horner), the hope of a sewing class in February, snow, assorted ricrac, and snow (Good God, quite the perfect storm). I have spent the day in sewing buttons and our names onto our Christmas Stockings. A small gesture of the crafting I used to do...but whatever. I have spent a good portion of my time searching for sweet home goods that could give our small apartment a flavor of me and Shawn. There isn't really anything I can buy...(although IKEA helped me with a fabulous table cloth), but I am going to start stitching again and then hopefully I can move to a sewing machine. I am thinking rich quilts, fun scrub tops, and various other home goods. I know it will come to me.

I have been gathering inspiration also from Simple Sewing by Lotta Jansdotter. What an amazing book. It comes with patterns, but just looking at the fun projects is enough to tide me over until I master the sewing machine.

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Sew ON!

Sunday, December 7, 2008


You know what the cool part is about being married...a model you can use for your amateur pictures whenever you like. I just really wanted to take some is crap...and so Shawn and the dogs were enlisted for an impromptu photo sesh.

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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Indecision 2008

I find myself in the funniest of places right now. I find myself with a husband, beautiful friends, passions; no real conclusive direction.

This gives me such a frenzy of anxiety. In the past month I have looked into becoming a midwife, teacher, social worker, and mother. I pour hours (what little of them I have between school and work) into finding out any tidbits that I can. I would generally say it is all for naught, but not really. I am always on this train of figuring out what I need, what I am going to need, what I want, what I think I want...enough.

How 'bout just hanging out and waiting for a direction to find me. Or rather, I have found out that my life is not about a direction but in reality, or in my head (you choose), I find myself in a round white room. I have been left paints, crayons, clay, beads, thread...people stop in, some pull up a chair and hang out with me (I think they will be there for the rest of my life), some people come and go or create windows to look in on me from time to time, there are as many books as I would like. On the walls they are always changing depending on what I create. I can talk to the people...or not. There is really no direction, just a thought "live well". I think my teenage years have been about arriving at this place and learning that this is okay.

I may always be experiencing new passions and new lights....this is what I was made to do. I may not "end" up anywhere, but I would prefer to never end and just be infinite and open to everything that is in my room.

Make any sense?